d’octubre 18, 2005

El Moviment en imatges: El moviment gai, lesbià i transsexual a Catalunya

Fins al 8 de novembre al Palau Robert. Un parell dels cartells exposats:

Cartell de la representació de l’obra de teatre Bent,de Martin Sherman, al Teatre Metropolità de Barcelona (1982). L'obra recorda la persecució durant la nit dels “ganivets llargs” de les persones homosexuals que pertanyien al partit nazi i la repressió que van patir als camps de concentració.

El document més antic que mostra l'exposició és la portada de la revista Aghois del 1972, any en què encara estava vigent la Ley de Peligrosidad y Rehabilitación Social. Aquesta normativa promulgava l’internament dels homosexuals en centres de reeducació, la prohibició de residir en un determinat lloc o l’obligació de sotmetre’s a vigilància. La revista Aghois s’editava clandestinament a Perpinyà, s’enviava a París i des d’allà es distribuïa als subscriptors catalans.

d’octubre 17, 2005

El Chindogu de la setmana (5)

Baby Mops

Make you children work for their keep. After the birth there’s always the temptation to say ‘Yes, it’s cute, but what can it do?’ Until recently the answer was ‘lay there and cry’. But now babies can be put on the payroll, so to speak, almost as soon as they’re born.

Just dress your young one in Baby Mops, and set him or her down on any hard woods or tile floor that needs cleaning. You may at first need to get things started by calling to the infant from the across the room, but pretty soon they’ll be doing it all by themselves. There’s no child exploitation involved; the kid is doing what he/she does best anyway, crawling. But with Baby Mops, he’s also learning responsibility and healthy work ethic.

d’octubre 11, 2005

Voyage au bout de la nuit

"Voyager,c'est bien utile, ça fait travailler l'imagination. Tout le reste n'est que déceptions et fatigues. Notre voyage à nous est entièrement imaginaire. Voilà sa force. Il va de la vie à la mort. Hommes, bêtes, villes et choses, tout est imaginé. C'est un roman, rien qu'une histoire fictive. Et puis d'abord tout le monde peut en faire autant. Il suffit de fermer les yeux. C'est l'autre côté de la vie."

i també

"L'amour, c'est l'infini mis à la portée des caniches"

Louis Ferdinand Céline

Voyage au bout de la nuit

d’octubre 07, 2005


Més Hopper

d’octubre 05, 2005

El Chindogu de la setmana (4)

The Commuter's Helmet

For secure subway snoozing.

Another Chindogu to aid the comfort and repose of weary commuters, and arguably the best. Like the Subway Sleeper’s Screen, the Commuter’s Helmet sports a message to fellow travellers, reading, "I’m having a short nap." Could you please wake me up when I reach the stop printed below? Many thanks.’ But since depends entirely on the co-operation of fellow passengers for success, this Chindogu has also been designed to maximize their finer communal instincts and sense of goodwill. This suction pad on the back of the helmet keeps the head firmly in place, thus preventing the sleeper’s head from lolling intrusively on the shoulders or laps of his or her neighbours. This courtesy will no doubt be appreciated, and the reciprocal favour of a timely awakening is more likely to be achieved.

Blonde Redhead


Allow me to show you
The way which I adore you!

Sometimes I think I must
Just let you be a horse
All I want is to be a rider
To be part of you

Afraid so afraid
To loose you
If someone looks at you
Turn into donkey
Pretend you are lame

Equus by nature
Timid creature
Ready to run away
Equus by nature
Timid creature
Cares nothing
For the plans they made

I will hide you
Will protect you
Wont let anyone
Take you away

Blonde Redhead (Misery Is A Butterfly, 2004)

d’octubre 04, 2005

Soul Mining


The sun is high and I'm surrounded by sand
For as far as my eyes can see
I'm strapped into a rocking chair
With a blanket pulled over my knees

I am a stranger to myself
And nobody knows I'm here
When I looked into my face
It wasn't myself I'd seen
But who I tried to be

I'm thinking of things
I'd hoped to forget
I'm choking to death
In a sun that never sets
I clogged up my mind
With perpetual greed
And turned all of my friends into enemies
And now the past has returned to haunt me

I'm scared of God and scared of hell
And I'm caving in upon myself

How could anyone know me
When I don't even know myself?

The The. Soul Mining